Suffolk Clinic

Reflexology Treatments in Coventry

Reflexology dates to the Ancient Egyptians, India and China. In 1913, Dr. Fitzgerald introduced this therapy into the West under the phrase ‘zone therapy’. In 1930 Eunice Ingham developed this zone therapy into the reflexology we know today. She found that tension or congestion in any part of the foot is mirrored in the corresponding part of the body. Using the reflexology technique of massage she found that using pressure points that are situated over the body and which correspond with the major organs, acupressure helps in restoring the body’s imbalances.

As treatment progresses, the colours change. The next stage is stimulating the energy pathways by means of pads being placed on the arms, legs and hands to balance the organs and muscles, which results in a feeling of improved well-being.

What are the Benefits of Reflexology?

  • The whole foot is treated at the same time
  • It is a visual treatment so patients can see themselves where the imbalances are
  • Stimulates the body’s healing ability on all levels.
  • You receive acupressure.
  • Children as well as the elderly can be treated.

What can Reflexology treat?

  • Migraine
  • Back pain
  • Arthritis
  • Sleep disorders
  • Digestive disorders
  • Stress related imbalances

How does Reflexology help in general?

Reflexology can help to
  • Relieve stress and tension and aids relaxation.
  • Detoxify the body
  • Stimulate the body’s own natural healing ability both physically and emotionally
  • Improve Circulation
  • Unblock energy pathways
  • Improve muscle tone, which is particularly good for older people and/or people with sedentary lifestyles
  • Increase ability to cope with life in a calm and positive way.
  • Lessen pain, swelling and inflammation
  • Stimulate the lymphatic system
  • Speed up recovery from injury

How can Reflexology specifically help me?

Reflexology helps to restore and maintain the body’s natural balance and it can help relieve the symptoms of
  • Back Pain
  • Migraine
  • Infertility
  • Arthritis
  • Sleep disorders
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • ME
  • MS
  • Pre Natal
  • Post Natal
  • Sports injuries
  • Digestive disorders
  • Stress-related conditions

What happens during a reflexology treatment?

Vacuflex reflexology is carried out by placing felt boots on the feet for 5 minutes to replace the conventional reflexology. After 5 minutes the boots are taken off the feet and a map of colour on the feet tells the therapist where the imbalances are. Like reflexology, this treatment helps the body to eliminate toxins, but in a more effective manner.

How will I feel after the treatment?

After the treatment, you may feel some obvious changes, though it is difficult to predict exactly how you will feel as everyone responds differently. Some people enjoy an immediate sense of wellbeing and relaxation. However, because the treatment deals with elimination, other people experience certain side-effects. These can be discussed and explained. Following the treatment, you will be asked to describe your reactions to it. This is to establish how your body is responding, so that appropriate advice can be given to you about your lifestyle and diet.

Not sure if physiotherapy is right for you? Take advantage of our FREE discovery sessions, which help identify your issues and the support we can offer 

** Please note there is no treatment given during one of our discovery sessions. These sessions are designed to evaluate your needs and ensure we can offer the help you need.